Anmol Palmistry Services

What is Hand Analysis(Palmistry)?

Hand Analysis is a study of the human hand, dealing with the size, shape, fingernails, finger lengths and the skin patterns which make one hand different from any other. Its study is based upon what is recorded in the hand and is measured and compared to the facts given in researched studies done by medical doctors, psychologists, universities, educationalists and character researchers completed in institutions around the world since the early nineteen hundreds. Thus hand analysis is a program of evaluation of; personality, character - structure, health, talents, career abilities and hobbies best suited for that individual. Most people consider having it done for a personal character evaluation to help them make positive career and relationship choices. Hands have been of recorded interest to humanity as far back as 15,000 years ago. Palmistry was aligned with the idea that a person reads the hand with a scientific eye but spoke from the blend of science and intuition. Palmistry then officially became a form of prediction that was as individual as the hand itself.

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